From the edible flowering plant family Amaranthaceae (first grown in 14th century Persia), behold Spinach! Catherine de’ Medici, Queen of France, so loved Spinach, she insisted it be served at every meal. The name “Florentine” evolved for dishes using this leafy green in reference to Florence, her place of birth. From Catherine’s table in 1533 to ChezHelvetica’s in 2013, we dined on Spinach Salad With Warm Bacon Dressing. Sweet Red Onion and White Mushrooms from the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and Baby Spinach from Trader Joe’s received their savory crown of thick sliced Bacon, Balsamic Vinegar and Dijon Mustard dressing. Homemade Chicken Soup and Acme Bread’s wonderful Pan de Mie completed this course of the feast, paired with lush Geyser Peak Sonoma County Chardonnay. Tory Farm’s first of the season Peaches, sauteed in butter and served a la Mode with roasted Walnuts, royally concluded this Saturday soiree!