Never before has The Festival of Lights seemed more important or necessary. ChezHelvetica celebrated Chanukah amidst
some of the worst crises of health and democracy in our history with humor and a tight grip on the beauty and tradition of this holiday. Note the Toilet Paper Menorah, a nod to Covid, towering over a childhood brass menorah holding the first night’s candle. Lox from The House of Bagels and Chives topped crispy Latkes, an excellent recipe found on the CUESA website from Evan Bloom. Delicious Applesauce made with a Cinnamon Stick, Meyer Lemon and Gala Apples, and luscious Sour Cream accompanied the savory Latkes.
With thoughts of the Maccabees and their victory over oppression and a Signature Reserve Russian River Chardonnay, happiness embraced our dinner. Jewish Stars decorated the table – on a candle from dear neighbors, a blue and white ceramic box from sister Abby and a delicious blue and white frosted cookie. This Butter Cookie from the HOB Bakery and Loacker Hazelnut Quadratini bestowed the concluding sweetness on our celebration. As we commemorate the rededication (of the second temple in Jerusalem in 164 BCE) and miracle of the oil that lasted eight days, may miracles abound for us all! A shot in the arm?!