Rock & Roll

At ChezHelvetica, that translates into a Rockfish Roll Out. With nearly three pounds of Rockfish from Costco, what does one do with all of thisĀ Sebastes (a genus of fish in the family Sebastidae)? The first answer leapt from the pages of BigOven in Grilled Rockfish with Garlic and Basil. The luscious Butter Sauce (spiced with the heat of Cayenne Pepper) transformed this very basic fish into a gourmet dish, further embellished by Roasted OrganicĀ Red Potatoes and Broccoli from Nunez Farm of Watsonville in Pajaro Valley. Candlelight, the golden hue from Hess Select’s Chardonnay and new Chilewich place mats from the deYoung Museum further elevated this Saturday night dinner. Following a beautiful day at Stern Grove listening to Michael McDonald and Boz Scaggs on Sunday, the next iteration was Fresh Fish Tacos. Whole grain Las Fortunitas Tortillas cradled the Rockfish, Black Beans, Avocado and Cheddar Cheese as Salsa happily dripped on to our fingers. The Rock & Roll weekend ends with the rest of the Rockfish now chilling in the freezer, awaiting the next show to begin!

Author: chezhelvetica1

My passion is all things epecurian.