Seder at ChezHelvetica followed two journeys this year, one the biblical Exodus of the Jews from slavery to freedom, the other inspired by a recent voyage to Australia and New Zealand. . . all woven into Passover Down Under. To acknowledge Moses’s sister Miriam (and her important role placing him in the basket found by the Egyptian princess),
a Miriam’s Cup now accompanies Elijah’s Cup on the beautiful tablecloth from my great grandparents. Vueve Clicquot Champagne kicked off the Bon Voyage party to Down Under, appropriately placed on a map of the region created by niece Rachel when she was five years old. Delicious Charoset sweetened with Sherry adorned Yehuda Matzos during the ceremony, followed by heavenly Matzo Ball Soup. The incredible first course was served, including Nut Crusted Salmon with Berry Vinaigrette with Creamy Chrain Sauce, Marinated Eggplant Salad and Quinoa Tabouli paired with Curious Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand’s famed Marlborough wine country. Melt-Away Short Ribs did melt in our mouths with Roasted Zucchini and Asparagus. Australia’s Hunter Valley Shiraz then had us seeing stars, be it the six-pointed Jewish Star, the seven-pointed stars on the Australian flag or the shooting stars on the Hydrangeas. As Chocolate-dipped Macaroons and Frozen Lemon Meringue Pie ended the meal, our hearts were warmed when niece Aliya found the Afikomen in record time!