ChezHelvetica celebrated Easter (on the fourth day of Passover) with a trinity of family and multi-nationality of dishes.
A Zaalook Salad from La Maison Arabe in Marrakech, Morocco (with Eggplant, Tomato, Paprika and Cumin) rested on Arugula and Spinach, framed by Deviled Eggs. (NB: The boiled egg’s origin can be seen in recipes as far back as ancient Rome.) Also of Italian inspiration, Lemon Asparagus Risotto and Garlic-Lemon Scallops. The delicious Arborio Rice Risotto was flavored with Garlic, White Wine, Lemon Zest/ Juice, and Parmesan Reggiano Cheese in a five-step preparation, handled by the very talented Sous Chef.
The Chef’s attention next focused on Sea Scallops sautéed in Butter and Garlic, then drenched in a Lemon-Butter sauce which accompanied the Risotto. Tangy Reed’s Ginger Beer, whose Ginger is sourced from the Peruvian Amazon, paired perfectly with this course. Finally to America for a Hot Fudge Sundae made with Häagan-Dazs Ice Cream, Berries from Medina Farms at the VA Farmers Market and Smuckers decadent Hot Fudge. We have Risen and hope You did as well!