“You Can’t Always Get What You Want …

But If You Try Sometime You Just Might Find You Get What You Need.” These Rolling Stones lyrics precisely capture the scene at ChezHelvetica. Early in the day, discoveries abounded with Butter Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Green Beans, Yukon Gold Potatoes and Acme Bread from the Ferry Plaza Farmers’ Market. Although seeking Tuna for a Tuna Nicoise Salad, beautiful Wild Salmon ended up being exactly what was needed. With Hard-Boiled Eggs, Capers, Red Onion, Olives and a Vinaigrette using my newly planted herbs: voila, the iconic summer salad appeared. Paired with a Coppola Chardonnay, this reception was indeed the hot ticket. The final embellishment, Michael Recchuiti‘s luscious Malted Chocolate Sauce over Vanilla Bean Ice Cream and Cannonball Cabernet Sauvignon.“In Her Glass Was A Bleeding Man.”