Syber Saturday & Sunday

This magical weekend started at Fisherman’s Wharf with the much anticipated opening of crab season. The fishmonger cracked and cleaned our crab as the luscious fried shrimp on display also called out to our empty stomachs. With the addition of succulent barbecued short ribs, the Surf and Turf feast at ChezHelvetica began! Baked russet potatoes with horseradish and slow roasted green beans with scallions, garlic and herbs were the perfect sides along with whole wheat bread baked by our friend Mamie. Naked Wines Da Da Da chardonnay from Lodi provided the ha ha ha’s for the evening. Sweet red raspberries (just purchased at the Ferry Plaza Farmers market that morning), delicious apricot rugelach from the House of Bagels, crowned with vanilla Haagen Dazs a la mode, concluded this segment of our sojourn. In the morning over breakfast in the dining room, we watched the delightful dance of the ravens and hawk in the trees of East Fort Miley. A lunch of leftovers followed later in the day including mashed potatoes made from the aforementioned russet potatoes and earlier barbecued sweet potatoes. Surf and Turf, Savory and Sweet, Old and New, Yin and Yang – Thanks Giving.