The directive to ChezHelvetica for the amazing “Ladies Who Lunch” get together was the creation of a pre-lunch nosh or nibble using Fig (or Date) and Rosemary. Given that this occasion fell on Rosh Hashanah, the serendipity was finding a recipe for Roasted Figs With Honey and Rosemary. Honey is a traditional food for Rosh Hashanah to evoke a sweet new year. With Rosemary freshly cut from the ChezHelvetica garden, Mission Figs from CalMart and Wild Mountain Raw Honey, the roasting commenced.
Just learning that this holiday commemorates the creation of Adam and Eve, images of a Fig Leaf started swirling in my mind! This dish, served with Goat Cheese and Crackers, along with Marinated Fennel and an intoxicating Peach Cocktail made the perfect opener to three delicious Italian salads – Cantaloupe with Proscuitto, Watermelon with Arugula and Tomatoes with Mozzarella – and “Googlie-Eyed” Strawberries. Between the Peach Cocktail, Pinot Grigio, Chianti and fascinating conversation, all the honored guests left somewhat Googlie-Eyed as well!