Like beautiful new blooms on a Rose bush, ChezHelvetica welcomed the daughter and three grandchildren of a dear friend
(now smiling down from heaven). After researching kid-friendly dishes, a Frittata seemed like a good choice for our meal, made even more fun by using a paella pan in the preparation. With Shallot, Garlic, Cremini Mushrooms, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Eggs, Half & Half and Baby Spring Mix Lettuce (instead of Spinach), it indeed starred as a savory sensation! Sweet Potato Fries (roasted in Sesame Oil, Smoked Paprika and Garlic) created a wonderful side dish, especially accompanied by Stonewall Kitchen‘s Lemon Herb Aioli and Sir Kensington’s Classic Ketchup.
Homemade Lemonade was the perfect summer beverage to serve at the gathering. Our sweet finish: Mixed Berry Crumble Bars (using Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries from Medina Berry Farms at the VA Farmer’s Market and juicy Blackberries from Tony’s farm). A choice of Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla Caramel Fudge and (non-diary) Phish Food Ice Cream toppings brought smiles all around! Meet Nissa Schumacher’s children: Will, Drew (twins) and sister Laney!!!