Behold ChezHelvetica’s sweet and savory Valentine’s Day celebration!
Delicious finds from the Fancy Food Show, overflowing in bowls like Halloween treats, starred at this “Welcome Mom” gathering. Warm Naan frosted with Goat Cheese and Jammit Jam Cherry Clove Cabernet Jam, Dried Apricots and Almonds, and Garbanzo Beans roasted with Rosemary and minced Garlic kicked off the party. Then, mouthwatering grilled Scampi basted with Bronco Bob’s seductively smokey Roasted Mango Chipotle Sauce, Zucchini, and Sweet Potato wedges followed. (N.B. Both Jam and Sauce labels presented helpful menu suggestions by course.)
Bubbly LaMarca Prosecco was the perfect pairing throughout the soirée. Fresh Raspberries and Chocolates à la Mode – including Blue Planet Super Food Squares developed by a doctor at the world-famous Cleveland Clinic – and Elaine’s Toffee Company scrumptious Milk-Chocolate covered Butter Crunch brought even more love to our hearts on this joyous occasion!